Thursday, March 27, 2008

Odd favorite lines

I find that there are lines in movies or games that I am strangely drawn to as mantras. In most cases, the sentiment that they are literally expressing is mundane, but there is some hint of a dual meaning, or otherwise. I'll try to compile a list of some of my favorites here:

From Batman Begins:

Bruce Wayne: "You aren't Ra's al Ghul. I watched him die"
Henri Ducard, revealing himself to be the true Ra's al Ghul: "But is Ra's al Ghul immortal? Are his methods supernatural?" (the delivery on this line was good)
Henri Ducard: "You haven't beaten me. You have sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke."

From No Country for Old Men:

Anton Chigurh: "Let me ask you something. If your rule led you to this, of what use was the rule?"

Actually, that's all I can think of at the moment, but there have been others. I'll follow up if I remember.

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