Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Self Improvement

I have been spending a considerable amount of time trying to improve my mental health in the past few years. I don't just mean sanity and happiness here, I mean that I'm trying to keep myself clear headed, well rested, and not so angry anymore. All of this has led to little experimentations with my daily routines - going to bed earlier, going for a walk in the evenings, kicking coffee, reading books at lunch, writing in this blog to vent my frustration and stimualte my creativity - I even gave up meat for the month of January to see if I could live without it.

I'm trying to do these things without relying on any stimulants to get me through - like coffee. It's not that I'm one of these herbal remedy people who insist on an all natural solution ot anything, but I'm of the opinion that anything you take to get you through a short term fix - caffeine, sleeping pills, alcohol - is the kind of thing you eventually build a tolerance to. Which is fine until you have to go without. So I'll use these things, but try not to make a habit out of it (except for alcohol, vis a vis beer, which I drink regularly for the taste, but I can go without and not crave it).

I try not to do anything that I hate, unless I ease myself into it.

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