Friday, August 11, 2006

My new slogan for Election 2006!!!


Why the boldface? Why, it's actually an acronym. It stands for everything that's wrong with the current Republican run administration. It stands for:

Duke Cunningham
NSA Wire Taps
Tax Cuts for the Wealthy


Terri Schiavo
Harriet Myers
Social Security Privatization

Stem Cell Research
Inheritance Tax
Treatment of the Prisoners at Gitmo
Throwing out the Road Map to Peace in the Middle East
Net Neutrality
Gay Marriage

Dubai Port Scandal
Outing Valerie Plame
National Deficit

Patriot Act
Universal Health Care
Secret Prisons

Bye-Bye UN
Abu Ghraib
Campaign Finance Reform
Kyoto Protocol

Now, you may think to yourself, "31 letters! How am I supposed to remember what all of that stand for!". OK, I'll admit - it's a bit much to chew on. This administration has been so busy over the past 5 1/2 years, there's a lot of ground to cover. It's not often in history that the people are distracted from one scandal by another, only to be interrupted by another, up to the point that we've forgotten some of the things that made us mad in the first place. For now, just consider the fact that a 31 letter acronym is needed to keep track of everywhere this party went wrong. Let's just touch on each point breifly, shall we, and see how the tenants of our democracy were dismantled in the interest of protecting the status quo of the rebuplic:

Duke Cunningham

This prominent California congressman, pled guilty to accepting at least $2.4 million dollars in bribes from defense contractors. A good place to start.


Do you know that while the oil companies are posting records profits from gouging you at the pump, they're also receiving tax breaks and subsidies from the government thanks to our energy policies? But hey, when you've got freinds in high places, why play fair?

NSA Wiretapping

First it was only overseas calls, and then it was announced, that yes, they're tracking our domestic calls as well. It's warrantless and it's illegal. Not worried because you've got nothing to hide from Big Brother? Let them invade your lives until you've got a chip in your neck. You would wonder where it all went wrong, if such thoughts weren't banned for being revolutionary.

Tax Cuts for the Wealthy

Sure, the war is expensive. But Bush doesn't want his best freinds paying for it. Leave that to the help.


The President and Vice President are chomping at the bit to make torture not only legal but public policy. After Congress passed a bill banning torture, good ol' George made sure to add his signing statements to the bill indicating that he'll obey those rules when and if he feels like it. Not only does torture fly in the face of everything that makes us human - it puts our soldiers at risk. It says to our enemies: "Do what you will to our boys if you get a hold of them, because we sure as hell ain't gonna show any mercy to you animals".


Just how many Congressman were paid off by this Republican lobbyist with the money he bilked from Indian casinos? Funny - that investigation hasn't made much progress. They can't be expected to investigate themselves, can they?


Was it racism, neglect, or incompetence? How about all three. This administration won in 2004 on the promise that it was the best to keep us safe. Unless you didn't vote for them - then you can go fuck yourself.


One on the major contributors to the Republican Party, Enron now stands as the symbol of corporate greed gone amuck. After bilking the company for all it was worth, it's leaders were sitting pretty while shareholders went bankrupt and employees lost their pension plans. Too bad Lay died in his cushy Aspen home before he even served a day in jail for it.

Terri Schiavo

The outspoken opponents of Big Government sure swooped in to cash in on a chance to get a little PR by exploiting the gut-wrenching conflict between Michael Schiavo and the parents of Terri Schiavo over what her wishes were when faced with life in a vegetative state with no hope of recovery. The public reaction was clear - this was a private matter where the government should have interfered.

Harriet Myers

It shows just how little Bush respects the judicial process in this nation when he proposed his personal attourney with no judicial experience to serve on the highest court in the land - a lifetime appointment, as well.


I don't even know where to start. It was a colossal mistake to begin with, but it could've been done right if there had been any degree of planning. If we had real international support, made a plan for peace, and really did try to win the hearts and minds of the people instead of rushing to protect the oil fields first, we might have made a difference for the better in Iraq. Our soldiers, some of the most courageous men and women who've made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation, have been betrayed by the incompetence of this administration.

Social Security Privatization

Socail Security's going down the tubes, what are we going to do? Let's let the rich pull their money out so they don't loose their money! Brilliant!

Stem Cell Research

Unfertilized embryoes left over from in vitro fertilization experiments are sacred. Good luck with your cancer, by the way.

Inheritance Tax

Let's repeal the tax that only affects the upper echelon of society. Becuase it's high time single mothers paid their share.

Treatment of Prisoners at Gitmo

You're not prisoners of war. You're illegal combatants. That's one degree below dogshit. We'll investigate your guilt or innocence when we damn well feel like it. We have to do this in the interests of preserving democracy.

Throwing out the Road Map to Peace in the Middle East

At one point, it seemed like there might, just might, be a hope for peace. Well, that boat has sailed. Maybe we'll come back to it after Amrageddon.


We need to protect our borders! How can our country be safe from terrorists when our borders are unprotected!? Let's build a wall. But only on the southern border, cause everyone knows terrorists only travel in a northern direction.

Net Neutrality

The internet is not a dump truck. And the telcos aren't rich enough. Watch what happens to unpopular opinions on the internet as soon as telecoms can determine what packets have priority and what gets lost along the way. I predict that all relevant political dialogue will be filed under the category "404 Not Found".

Gay Marriage

Marriage is a sacred institution that must be protected. On even years. It's the trump card the Republicans pulled to get that last push to the polls. And after they've gotten the conservative Christians to vote, they spend the next two years thanking their real sponsors - big corporations. But they'll be sure to mention moral issues the next time there's an election.

Dubai Port Scandal

It is absolutely imperative that we give control of our ports over to Dubai. We need more guys at the southern border.

Outing Valerie Plame

Whoops! Did we just give out your little secret and betray the identity of one of our CIA operatives? Guess your husband never should've opened his mouth about the war. People, don't believe for one single minute that it ended with Scooter Libby. He's just the only one that's going to have to answer for it.


The entire justification of the Iraq war. A smokescreen.

National Deficit

For a breif shining moment, after years of hard work, we'd finally balanced the budget. There was even a surplus. So much for that. By the way, after your social security's gone, don't count on your grandkids taking care of you. They'll be pissed that you stuck them with the bill.

Patriot Act

I wonder what our founding fathers would think if they found out the act that reenacted all of the encroachments on liberty that they fought so hard against had been named after them. They'd kick our asses if they knew.

Universal Health Care

Health Care costs are out of control and millions of Americans are uninsured. The solution? Refuse to give insurance providers the right to negotiate prices with the pharmaceutical companies. They're better citizens than you anyway. They give us more money.

Secret Prisons

What the hell is going on there if Gitmo is the prison that you do see?


I thought this war was costing us a fortune. How is it that we're awarding no-bid contracts to Haliburton? How can it be anything other than government sponsored pillaging for the Vice President's old buddies? Who are we fighting this war for, really??!

Bye-Bye UN

So long. It was nice while it lasted, but we're striking out on our own. What's that? We've totally dismantled the credibility it took years to build? Not our problem anymore. By the way, could you give us a hand? This crisis has gotten totally out of hand.

Abu Ghraib

When the calls came for Rumsfeld's retirement, his complicit part in this human rights debacle explained to the rest of the world just how little our leaders though of them.

Campaign Finance Reform

Why should I reform? I got in office so I could make money for the next election! A little gerrymandering here and there, and I'm set for life.

Kyoto Protocol

Back before Bush told the UN he didn't give a care what they thought, he was giving them a taste of what was to come by telling the world it could combat global warming without us.

Surprisingly, there's still some that got left out. Can't let this list grow on forever.

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