Monday, February 26, 2007

Porn Sword?

Don't click on this link... yet:

At work today, I received this link in an instant message from a coworker that will remain nameless. As is the case with every link I'm sent, I scan the URL real quick to determine what kind of link I'm going to, a whether or not this is something I should go check out at work.

Immediately, something jumps out at me. You probably see it too.


Now, I think to myself, what the hell could this be about? I look at the domain - it's CNN. It must be a real news, then. And it must be appropriate because CNN is not exactly known for it's inappropriate content.

So, I invite you to do the same. Ponder the ineffable mystery of the porn sword. What do you think this story is about? Open your mind and let it wander ... where does it lead you?

Take another minute...

OK. Click on the link.


Not quite what you expected, was it? Funny, of course, but likely way different from what you had in mind. What kind of story did you envision? Please feel free to comment.


Lance said...

My guess was that the story was about a sword prop from a porn being used to commit some kind of crime.

Anonymous said...

I thought.....I don't know. that was just REALLY weird