Wednesday, March 14, 2007

More Funny, Less Debate

Let's make this post a little less serious than the others of late. I know I have a certain comedy quota to fill. So just a few observations.

Alan Greenspan needs to shut his fucking mouth. Seriously. Everytime they put a mike in front of that guy's face, my stock portfolio tanks. I was doing great - and now some days I go look at it, and everything's down, and I wonder what he let slip now.

This is China's fault, too. Stupid overvalued market. They want to spread their Red Communist propoganda by coloring all the entries in my portfolio Red for starters.

I've adopted a new form of self-torture with an online puzzle game at This is one of those "find the next link" puzzles. The first few make you think outside the box. Then, they take away the damn box so you have no frame of reference. It's maddening.

What else? Beat Zelda: Twilight Princess. Not especially satisfied with the ending. Apparently, an ending in a Japanese story without either (a) some remarkably ambiguous ending or (b) something tragically sad is an example of Western decadence. I know Hollywood goes too far with tying up the loose ends and pairing off the uncoupled bachelors at the end of movies, but for Pete's sake, give me something to be happy about.

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