Wednesday, September 27, 2006


OK, So it's been a little while. I got some comments like this:

Hey, you haven't published in twelve days. WTF? It's your job to entertain me, goddamn it. So get cracking.

Yeah, yeah. I've been busy. I had a little bet with myself... who could this be? A friend? A sister? My wife? Sadly enough, all of the people in my life are comfortable enough speaking to me with this degree of disdain that I can't distinguish when someone sends me a remoark like this. That may seem pathetic, but it's a two way street. All of my interpersonal relationships are mutually abusive.

So what have I been doing, you ask, that I cannot spare a few moments to write? Well, apart for recovering from the chaos involved in the camping trip from Hell, I've been trying to buy a house. I recently got in trouble with the apartment complex I rent from, because my lease had expired earlier than I thought it was supposed to, and my rent went up while I was still paying the old rate. So now I'm looking for a house. We found a really sweet deal the other day that we were about to make an offer for when some other agent came along and made a contract. That road bump aside, I will one day again hold a taco party.

What else have I been doing? Watching a lot of TV. Comedy Central's started airing the frist season of Scrubs and I must've been asleep for the last 5 years, because I've been missing out on the funniest shit ever. Along the same lines, my wife and I have found House, so we're going back and forth between the first season that comes in on Netflix and the stuff they're airing now. Finally, one of my sister's sent me the series Firefly on DVD, and now I've found something else I should've been watching a few years ago. This trifecta of TV nose candy has kept me busy enough in the evening's so that I don't want to write anything more.

But tonight, I'm catching up, and recommitting to writing. Another sister of mine had asked me for my birthday wishlist, and I have complied. If you'll look to the right, a friend of mine has exposed a sweet little script for me that allows me to display a few items from my Amazon wishlist, by getting the feed they expose and making a template from the results. Feel free to buy me something.

Another update - I plan to move all of the political commentary to a new blog - Rabbertics. I've gotten some mixed responses to my left leaning rantings. Some appreciate the commentary, some choose to engage me in debate, and some would rather I did not preach. Politics, I think, is like religion. There is no argument that going to change anyone's mind unless they're already sitting the fence and looking for direction. The only thing that will change the mind of someone who's already picked their position are the events that shape their experience. It was the same case for me - no pundit managed to change my mind about the GOP. I was certainly willing to stand behind the President until the decision to invade Iraq came, when I hesitated. While I beleived it to be a mistake, I still thought good could come of it if it were done right. When the Abu Ghraib scandal broke, I broke my ties and burned my bridges. After that, I started watching what the pundits said, but only to confirm the position I had already chosen.

Still, they keep doing shit that pisses me off, and I can't keep quiet about it. So I'll take the forum somewhere else, and preach to the choir. Here, I'll bitch about my life and my wife and create serial killer fan fiction, and save bitching about the President for Rabbertics - soon to be.

So, let me end this with a good old-fashioned rant. You know what I would like to see? A keyboard made for big boys. I continually make typos because I'm typing on this instrument that's obviously designed to accomodate fine feminine fingers, and not my big fat ones. They make men's clothing and accessories bigger than women's - how about men's keyboards? All you need to do is make the keys 25 to 33% larger, and I promise you in no time, my typing rate will double. Yeah, it's kind of a boring rant.

I can't be funny all the time. So get bent.


Anonymous said...

The Rabbert is back, and now I can finally breathe life was empty and vapid, my words were falling on deaf ears, and the colors of the wind reminded me only of I see clearly, Rabbert, you are back to rock the loco roco out of me...with the wings of the eagle, the feather of a chocobo, and the taste of chitlins, I will continue to read...thank you...this is why I was anonymous, am anonymous, and forever shall be anonymous...that being said, my name is Jeff and we need to play some poker ASAP...wheres Spencer and Heather? Wheres the wife? Lets start cookin with fire boys...

Anonymous said...

Just google "big keys keyboard" and you'll find all sorts of large keyboards for handicapped people. You'll find all sorts of gems like See? Some of your "friends" like to help...

Anonymous said...

Even I like House. It's not trashy like so many of the other shows on TV.

Anonymous said...

I think the political commentary fits in just fine right here. Your style of writing fits bitching about politics because it gets you riled up. :P

Dr Cutty is kinda hot.

Anonymous said...

Big keys for a big boy. How cute